What are carnivores, herbivores
and omnivores?
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miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013
Present Continuous Practise!
You can practise the Present Continuous in the following links:
Link number 1
Link number 2
Good Luck :)
Remember this !
Link number 1
Link number 2
Good Luck :)
Remember this !
martes, 23 de abril de 2013
Un recorrido imaginario en 4to. grado
En el marco de nuestro proyecto ¿Recorremos a través de los sentidos? salimos a dar una vuelta por el mundo. Avistamos lugares maravillosos, pero decidimos recorrer uno: La gran barrera de coral de Australia. Un lugar de incomparable diversidad y belleza.
Usando nuestra imaginación nos sumergimos en el océano e hicimos un recorrido que luego relatamos y escribimos en parejas.
Compartimos el sitio que nos permitió hacer el recorrido virtual y también una de las producciones.
"Alquilé un traje para bucear en el océano de Australia. Me sumergí unos metros más abajo y encontré una tortuga marina que era gigante y muchos corales. El mar se sentía tibio y venían muchos peces raros detrás de mí.
Cada vez iba más abajo y había arena blanca. En un momento vi una tortuga con sus bebés y manta rayas bebés con su mamá. Ese momento fue muy lindo."
Usando nuestra imaginación nos sumergimos en el océano e hicimos un recorrido que luego relatamos y escribimos en parejas.
Compartimos el sitio que nos permitió hacer el recorrido virtual y también una de las producciones.
"Alquilé un traje para bucear en el océano de Australia. Me sumergí unos metros más abajo y encontré una tortuga marina que era gigante y muchos corales. El mar se sentía tibio y venían muchos peces raros detrás de mí.
Cada vez iba más abajo y había arena blanca. En un momento vi una tortuga con sus bebés y manta rayas bebés con su mamá. Ese momento fue muy lindo."
Sol y Delfi
April 23: World Book Day!
World Book Day is a celebration! It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiszation as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.
23 April is a symbolic date for world literature for on this date in 1616, Cervantes and Shakespeare died. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra is recognized as the best writer in Spanish language, as William Shakespeare is possibly the most famous and one of the best writers in English. They are both regarded as two of the best writers who ever lived.
How to train your dragon: the game

Click on the following link to enter the game:
How to train your dragon game!
Have fun!
miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013
martes, 16 de abril de 2013
Irregular Verbs Practise

Here, you can practise some of the irregular verbs that we have been studying these past few weeks!
Click here to practise.
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela was a civil rights leader in South Africa. He fought against apartheid, a system where non-white citizens were segregated from whites and did not have equal rights. He served a good portion of his life in prison for his protests, but became a symbol for his people. Later he would become president of South Africa.
He became a leader in the African National Congress (ANC). At first he pushed hard for the congress and the protesters to follow Gandhi's non-violence approach. At one point he started to doubt that this approach would work and started up an armed branch of the ANC. He planned to bomb certain buildings, but only the buildings. He wanted to make sure than no one would be hurt. He was classified as a terrorist by the South African government and sent to prison. His prison sentence brought international visibility to the anti-apartheid movement. He was finally released through international pressure in 1990. In 1993, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa. He attended school and later college at the College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand. At Witwatersrand, Mandela became a lawyer and met some of his fellow activists against apartheid.

He spent 27 years in prison. He refused to bend on his principals in order to be released and stated that he would die for his ideals. He wanted all people of all races to have equal rights in South Africa.
Once released from prison, Nelson continued his campaign to end apartheid. Black people were not allowed to vote in South Africa, but because of his hard work and effort, all races were allowed to vote in the 1994 election. Nelson Mandela won the election and became president of South Africa.
lunes, 15 de abril de 2013
Para jugar con los números
Para poder jugar con el orden de los números deberás seguir los pasos que doy a continuación:
1) Hacer click donde dice para que se abra la página.
2) Al entrar en la página aparecerán carteles con diferentes grados de primaria. Hacé click en el que dice: 4° de Primaria
3) Allí deberás elegir el cuadrado que diga: Números
4) Hacer click en el primer cuadrado y luego aparecerá una imagen como la que sigue donde podrás empezar a jugar con el orden de los números.
¡Suerte! Pao
Sistema de numeración a través del tiempo
Chicos... Les dejo este video que es muy cortito para ir metiéndose en tema.
viernes, 12 de abril de 2013
¡¡Buen Fin de Semana!!
Los extraño un montón!!! Una semana sin ustedes es mucho...
Me sigue sonando el celular cinco minutos antes de los recreos y pienso:
-¿Qué estarán haciendo los chicos hoy? ¿Ya habrán salido al recreo?
Sé que están con Silvia...
Disfruten el trabajo con ella que es divina y háganme quedar bien!!!
No puedo estar con ustedes porque el médico no me lo permite aún,
pero cuando me sienta mejor volveré con muchas ganas de abrazarlos a cada uno!!!!
¿Cómo les fue en el Mini-Control hoy?
Practiquen las tablas el fin de semana!!!!
Les comparto algo de Gaturro (Sé que les gusta leerlo!!!)
¡Buen fin de semana! Los quiero, Pao

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013
General Knowledge Question
This week, we have worked with diversity in class.
The General Knowledge Question is:
Who is Nelson Mandela?
martes, 9 de abril de 2013
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Last week's General Knowledge Challenge was about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
This Tuesday we shared the answers in class.
During the classical antiquity, the Greeks conquered much of the Eastern Mediterranean. When the Greeks travelled along the Mediterranean, they discovered landmarks and wonders, and many writers began to make lists of what had to be seen by travelers: these were the "Wonders". Of the seven original Wonders, only one, the Great Pyramid of Giza, remains standing. The list that we know today was written by a Greek engineer from the city of Byzantium who lived in Egypt, called Philo of Byzantium.
The Seven Wonders are:
(you can click on the names for more
information about them!)
This Tuesday we shared the answers in class.
During the classical antiquity, the Greeks conquered much of the Eastern Mediterranean. When the Greeks travelled along the Mediterranean, they discovered landmarks and wonders, and many writers began to make lists of what had to be seen by travelers: these were the "Wonders". Of the seven original Wonders, only one, the Great Pyramid of Giza, remains standing. The list that we know today was written by a Greek engineer from the city of Byzantium who lived in Egypt, called Philo of Byzantium.
![]() |
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one of the Seven Wonders that is still standing. |
(you can click on the names for more
information about them!)
- The Great Pyramid of Giza,
- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon,
- The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus,
- The Statue of Zeus at Olympia,
- The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus,
- The Colossus of Rhodes, and
- The Lighthouse at Alexandria.
sábado, 6 de abril de 2013
General Knowledge Challenge of the Week
This week, you have to research about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World for General Knowledge.
What are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?
What are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?
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